Am I insured with ucm?

Geändert am So, 27 Feb, 2022 um 11:04 NACHMITTAGS

Your employment contract with ucm always regulates accident insurance. This reads:

§9 Accident Prevention

(1) The employee is obliged to comply with the accident prevention regulations applicable at the borrower and to wear the necessary protective clothing and to follow the safety instructions.

(2) The accident prevention regulations are available in the borrower's office. The employee will be instructed by suitably qualified employees of the hirer about measures and facilities to prevent health and safety hazards to which he may be exposed at work. If he does not feel properly looked after in this regard, he must report this to the employer. He is obliged to support the employee in his efforts to the best of his ability.

The following applies to health, nursing care and unemployment insurance:

"All students must be insured with statutory or private health insurance. However, students do not pay any additional contributions to health, nursing care and unemployment insurance for short-term employment.

Attention: The family insurance through the parents only exists up to an income of the students of a maximum of 470 euros per month (as of 2022). The health insurance company will advise you on a case-by-case basis."

(Source: Here you can find out more about the topic.)

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