What happens if I'm sick or have to cancel a job for any other reason?

Geändert am Fr, 22 Jul, 2022 um 9:39 NACHMITTAGS

Everyone can get sick sometimes, we totally understand. Should you get sick or have a different reason to not attend your confirmed job, you have to let us know immediately and explain your situation/reason. Please follow the cancellation steps stated in your job after clicking on the "cancel job"-button! Otherwise your cancellation is invalid and will lead to a demand of compensation payment.

Never call the customer directly unless we're not reachable! As soon as you feel you won't be able to go to your job, follow the steps stated in your job's briefing and send us your medical certificate via e-mail to [email protected]. This rule also applies if you're only sick for one or two days. 

If you don't send us the medical certificate or you don't show up to your job without notice, we will forced to demand a compensation payment from you and will additionally delete your profile. 

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