What is the social security number?

Geändert am So, 27 Feb, 2022 um 10:42 NACHMITTAGS

The social security card is a mandatory document for employees. It is usually not available before the first start of work and is issued with the first start of work. The German pension insurance then sends a letter with the social security card (on which the "SV number" is printed). You can request your social security number from your health insurance company and your pension insurance company.

The social security card contains:

  • Last name First Name

  • SV number (social security number)

  • the issuing pension insurance institution

  • the issue date

  • a serial number

The social security number is also known as the pension insurance number. It consists of:

  • the area number of the respective pension insurance institution

  • your date of birth

  • the first letter of your last name

  • a serial number (based on your gender)

  • a check digit

If you do not yet have an "SV number" (Sozialversicherungsnummer = social security number) or an "SV card" (Sozialversicherungsausweis = social security card), your first employer will apply for one for you. If your first job is with ucm.agency, we will take over this task for you :)

The Deutsche Rentenversicherung will then issue you with the card with the SV number and send it to you by post to your official residence address.


Foreigners who want to work or work in Germany and for a German employer are also subject to German social security law. This means that they also receive a social security card and an SV number. If it is a foreign employer who employs a foreign person in Germany for a limited period, different rules apply.

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