Will I be paid in case of illness?

Geändert am So, 27 Feb, 2022 um 11:00 NACHMITTAGS

In your employment contract with ucm, you will, of course, always find the regulation on remuneration for sick leave:

§7 Prevention from work, contractual penalty

(1) The employee is obliged to notify the employer immediately by telephone of any incapacity to work or incapacity to work caused by illness or other reasons and of its probable duration another circumstance from the legal regulations.

(2) In each case of culpable violation of the information obligation, the employer is entitled to claim a contractual penalty in the amount of the lost service. Assertion of the contractual penalty is also permissible if the employee does not start the employment relationship in accordance with the contract or terminates it in violation of the contract. The assertion of a further claim for damages remains unaffected.

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