I can't confirm my email address. What should I do?

Geändert am Di, 19 Jul, 2022 um 2:00 NACHMITTAGS

If you want to confirm your email address you need to open the confirmation link (and code) on your smartphone (on which the app is installed), in a mailing app! 


If you are trying to do it on a computer or via a browser it is not going to work. 


In case there is any problem with the link, you can always use the code, which can be found below the link in the confirmation email. ATTENTION: The code is only valid for a duration of 15 minutes. After expiration you need to request a new one.


The confirmation link may not open on some (especially “rare”) types of smartphones, or the link may not be “clickable” – this is due to the phone settings and not due to the link itself. In such cases the quickest solution would be to use the phone of a friend or alternatively to change the settings of your smartphone. 

In case it still doesn't work please contact us by clicking here.

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