How much rest break time am I entitled to during a job?

Geändert am Di, 17 Jan, 2023 um 12:22 NACHMITTAGS

Section 4 of the ArbZG (Working Hours Act) states that you may not work for more than 6 hours without a rest break. If you work for more than 6 hours, you are always entitled to a 30-minute rest break. As the working time increases, so does the time of the prescribed rest break.


  • up to 6 hours in a row: no prescribed break time

  • 6-9 working hours: minimum 30-minute break

  • more than 9 working hours: minimum 45-minute break

  • you can divide your break time in several breaks of at least 15 minutes each

Also, pay attention to the difference between rest period and rest break:

  • Rest break: Is the time of your breaks during your work.

  • Rest period: This is the time between the end of one working day and the beginning of the following working day.

According to Section 5 of the Working Hours Act, a rest period of eleven hours at a stretch is mandatory (i.e. it may not be interrupted) in order to guarantee employees sufficient rest. For you, this means that there must be at least 11 hours between two jobs or shifts.


Good news: we also keep an eye out for you, which is why no two bookings are possible that would fall short of your legally required rest period.



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