Yes! Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is extremely important to act careful and responsible. This means you need to be mindful of both your safety and that of those around you.
When is special caution required?
if you notice symptoms, you must immediately undergo a PCR test (at least a quick self-test. If this is positive, you must do a PCR test!). As long as you are not sure whether you are infected, you must consider the safety of those around you. This also means that you have to cancel a booked job and inform us about your situation.
if you have had contact with an infected person or with a suspected case of corona (even if there is a red bar in the Corona-Warn-App), the same applies here: you must undergo a PCR test immediately (at least a quick self-test. If this positive, you have to do a PCR test!). As long as you are not sure whether you are infected, you must consider the safety of those around you. This also means that you have to cancel a booked job and inform us about your situation.
If you have to cancel a booked job due to Corona, we absolutely need proof of this! Acceptable proof would be:
Rapid test result from a test center
PCR result from a test center
Certificate of an official quarantine order
Medical certificate of incapacity for work
If in doubt, please always contact a Corona hotline! You can find help here:
Das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
Das Angebot der Verbraucherzentrale
Bundesweite Hilfe
Der Patientenservice 116117
Das Robert Koch Institut;jsessionid=A16DC336FD521F19CA228571AEF5F959.internet112?nn=2386228#doc13490882bodyText15
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